Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Dear Parents,  

This week at Little Dreamers we'll be giving thanks for Thanksgiving!!! Preschool will be learning all about the History of Thanksgiving, about Native Americans and about giving Thanks for the people in our lives. Today we made big fat turkeys out of brown bags to display as center pieces on our Thanksgiving Feast Table!! They are very cool :)   We read "In November" and talked about the upcoming season change to Winter (next month's Unit).  We talked about how quiet Winter becomes and why our animal friends rest for the Winter.  Throughout the week, your little one will be making special crafts such as Center Pieces and Napkin Holders to bring home on Wednesday that will help decorate your own homes for the big day! 

Our Toddlers are celebrating in their own ways- learning how to gobble like turkeys, practicing singing thanksgiving turkey songs and finger plays, and making beautiful crafts for moms and dads to enjoy!  Feel free to stop into all of our classrooms to see our decorations!

We'll be celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday together on Wednesday (24th) with a  fantastic Thanksgiving Feast complete with Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Pumpkin Pie!! Please remember there is no need to pack a lunch for your little one that day, as their tummies will be sufficiently filled with food at the feast.  Parents are encouraged to bring a dish (please see our sign up sheet by the front door) and to attend the feast and celebrate with us! 

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday!

Miss Jessica  

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankful for the Earth Week!

Hi Parents,

This week your Little Dreamers will be learning all about how to save our Planet! We'll be doing activities centered around saving our Earth and learning how to reduce, re-use and Recycle our waste!  We'll be learning what "endangered" means and what we can do to help save the world's endangered species.  We'll make a map of the world's habitats and learn what kind of habitat we live in!  We'll write our very own pledge to help the earth- note what each of us can do in our own ways- and sign it with our handprints.  We'll hang out hand-print earth in our classroom to make a beautiful decoration and to remind us to always take care of our Home :) 

Don't forget that this Fun Friday is Pajama Day!! Wear your favorite Pj's to school for fun activities and exciting fun Friday fun! This week we'll watch Curious George and have a soundtrack Dance Party all about taking care of the Earth!

Have a great week parents!

Miss Jessica

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanks to Soldier Mike!

Today we'd like to say Thank you to Army Soldier Mike Cuff who came in to our school today to talk to our students about how our Soldiers keep us safe from afar!  Our Little Dreamers had a great time talking about Soldier Mike's Uniform- his badges and medals were really cool and we got to try on his very heavy coat!  We talked about all of the places that Soldier Mike's been and he taught us what Infantry meant! Soldier Mike told us all about what soldiers do for us and how they are always ready to save us from the bad guys.  We made beautiful American Flag cards for Solider Mike and showed him how we salute! We had a lot of fun celebrating and learning with Solider Mike today.  HAPPY VETERANS DAY!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankful for the People Who keep Us Safe!

Hi Parents,  

This week at Little Dreamers we'll be learning all about the people who keep us safe!  We've started our week by learning about firefighters and all of the hard work they do to prevent and stop fires!  We read all about "Hopper the Fire Dog" and we learned how to "Stop, Drop & Roll!" We wore Fire Hats and hung them up in our classroom and even made our very own firetrucks.  We practiced our shapes by making circles for the wheels and squares for the windows!!  Ask your preschooler to show you how they would stop a fire. 

Tomorrow we'll be continuing our lesson by learning about Police Officers and Paramedics.  We'll make our own police badges and talk about how important it is to behave and to follow directions.  We'll talk about how important police officers are and how they keep us safe.  We'll learn the numbers 9-1-1 and what to do in an emergency.  

This week will end by celebrating Veterans day together and learning about how our Soldiers keep us safe from a far and how important their jobs are to our freedom.  We'll learn what Freedom means and learn about how lucky we are to have it.  We'll study the Colors of our Flag and say the pledge of allegiance!  Did you know that the Star Spangled Banner was a poem before it was a song??  We'll learn the poem and talk about what it means. This week will end with a special guest speaker who will come in and teach us first hand, how to stay safe!

Look out for last weeks projects which are being sent home and continue to ask your Little Dreamer about all that their learning in school!

Miss Jessica

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Health Week!

This week at Little Dreamers its all about staying healthy!  In the Toddler room, Isabelle, Jack, Freddie and Matthew painted with toothbrushes and talked about keeping our teeth shiny and clean! Yesterday, they played doctor and made their very own doctors kits (complete with a band-aid, a cotton ball and tongue depressor)! Today, they practiced their building skills (and with using their hands) by playing together with the waffle blocks! In addition to reading stories and singing songs, its been nothing but busy! 

The preschool room focused on healthy foods today and talked about some of our favorites.  Gio liked "eggs and bagels" while Allie liked "chicken nuggets!"  We drew our favorite foods on a plate and hung them on our healthy food board.  We learned a poem and read a book about what our body parts do for us!  Ask your child about keeping their heart healthy and how important our brains our.  After we finished our projects we played dress up and had a dance party to the music from Shrek!! It was a great day filled with LOTS of fun and energy! 

Miss Jessica 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Start of November!

Hi Parents,

The start of the new month means the start of a new unit here at Little Dreamers!  This month we'll be 'Giving Thanks' for all of the people and things that keep as happy and healthy throughout the year.  We're starting off this week by being "thankful for our health!"  Your child will be learning all about keeping themselves healthy. In the toddler room they'll be learning about body parts (like our eyes and noses), about going to the doctor and about eating good healthy food!  In the Pre-school room we'll be talking about heart health, about exercise, about healthy food groups and about how important the doctor is to keeping us healthy.  We'll be talking about hygiene and safety all the while remembering to say thank you for all our good health with projects and activities every day.  Another busy week here at Little Dreamers... stay tuned! :)

Miss Jessica