Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dear Parents,
Warm weather is just around the corner and this month we’ll be getting our Little Dreamers ready for the spring thaw!  We’ll be learning about gardening, planting, how to preserve and help our Earth and all about the Spring Season.  We’ll start our month with National Ocean Week!  We’ll learn about the beach, about life in the ocean and we’ll get excited talking about all of the fun things we can do this summer! We’ll make sand castles, study fish and wear our favorite Beach attire on Fun Friday! For week 2, we’ll be studying weather with our April Showers unit.  We’ll be learning all about how and why weather changes, about where rain comes from and we’ll celebrate National Library week with lots of fun literacy projects to keep our Dreamers reading!  In week 3, we’ll focus on flowers and gardening.  We’ll celebrate Earth day in a big way and beautify our playground by cleaning up and planting our own flower and vegetable garden! We’ll end the month with a unit on cleaning up the Planet.  We’ll learn how to reduce, re-use and recycle our waste and about other ways that we can help save the Earth and all of the creatures that live on it. 
          Please be aware of the change in the season and remember to dress your child appropriately as well as to update their change of clothes.   As always, thank you for support!

Miss Jessica