Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Summer!!!

Dear Parents,
          Summer is finally here!! Last month we were busy studying and celebrating all of the things that make summer a wonderful time of year! This month we’ll be focusing on our creepy, crawly friends that just love to bug us in the summer months… Insects!  We’ll start the month with Butterflies & Caterpillars- learning all about how caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies!  We’ll learn about Bees and how helpful they are to us and to the environment!  We’ll talk about being nice to bees, even though they can sting us and how to be careful when they’re around.  We’ll taste and smell honey!!  During our ladybug and firefly week we’ll answer questions like how and why do fireflies light up!?  And are all Ladybugs girls!?  Lastly, we’ll learn about Spiders and Dragonflies.  We’ll talk about how spiders helps us way more than they hurt us and we’ll read the story of Charlotte’s Web and her adventures with Wilbur the pig on Zuckerman’s famous farm!  It’s going to be a very buzzy month here at Little Dreamers!  Ask your little one all about what they’re learning each day and be sure to enjoy the beautiful summer weather!
Miss Jessica