Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Dear Parents,
To finish off our summer unit, this month we’ll be learning all about our communities and neighborhoods!  We’ll start the month focusing on all the people who keep us safe! We’ll meet a real firefighter, talk about how important it is to go to the doctor- even if it isn’t always fun, and about all of the wonderful things that policemen do for us.  We’ll learn about street safety and transportation, about the public places we visit and the people who work there!  We’ll learn about how our community runs the people that keep it running smoothly and about all the services that we provide for each other in order to keep us happy, healthy and safe. 
We’ll study shapes by looking at street signs, look at maps and make lots of fun craft activities to remind us how lucky we are each and every day!   As summer comes to a close, be sure and enjoy the warm weather with your little one and to prepare for the upcoming Fall season.  If you child’s schedule will be changing in any way due to the start of the new school year, please inform us as soon as possible! 

Thank you,
Miss Jessica