Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome to March!

Dear Parents,
March is a month of transition- transition out of the winter weather and into a beautiful new Spring Season!  At Little Dreamers, we’ll be transitioning our classrooms from guided communication and learning to a more child-inspired curriculum.  This month we’ll begin transitioning our Little Dreamers from being led in the classroom, to becoming leaders all on their own.  We’ll be helping them to create new ideas and to become more and more independent as our school year continues.  This month, is MUSIC month!! In celebrating that, we’ll be learning about different kinds of music and about the creativity process that music inspires.  We’ll learn about all of the different instruments, about making music and about music around the world.  We’ll discover our favorites and the favorites of our friends!  We’ll make our own special instruments to play together as a band and even have a guest speaker who will come in and give us a guitar lesson!  He’ll tell us what it’s like to be a full-time musician and we’ll have a fun sing-along to inspire us and get us into the music making mood J  On the 17th, we’ll discuss the meaning of Saint Patrick’s day and learn all about the Luck of the Irish.  Our party will be held on the 18th!  Don’t forget to wear GREEN!
With the start of Spring just around the corner, we’ll get ready with a welcome to Spring unit at the end of the month when we’ll learn about all of the wonderful things that happen in the spring to the world around us- the blooming of the flowers, the new animals that are born and we’ll welcome the sunshine to come out once again! As always, parents are welcome to join us for our sing-along on the 9th and also for our Saint Patricks day party which will be held on Friday, the 18th!!

Miss Jessica

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's Valentine's Day and there's no better time to spoil the people you love!  At Little Dreamers we'll be appreciating our friends and family with a week-long unit on Love and Friendship.  We'll kick with week off with our yummy Valentine's Day Party complete with cookies, cupcakes, Valentine making and exchange!  We'll learn about all the ways that we can be a good friend to each other and learn all the ways that we can tell our mommy's and daddy's (and Grandma's and Grandpa's, Aunts and Uncles) that we love them!!  We'll make surprises for our families, surprises for our friends, read about good manners, making new friends and about how important it is to be nice to every one around us.  We'll continue the celebration with a Mardi Gras color celebration, making masks and pasta necklaces! We'll finish up the week with a Doughnut party in honor of Fat Tuesday!  Don't forget to wear Red  and Yellow on Friday!!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

Miss Jessica

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fun with Red and Yellow!!!


Hi Parents,

This week at Little Dreamers we'll be continuing our Color Unit by studying Red and Yellow!!  We'll be filling our senses with the smells, tastes, feelings and sounds of Color!  Preschool will be studying Red and Yellow Apples- by tasting their differences, smelling their differences and seeing their beautiful colors we'll discuss why our world is so colorful and how its possible that Nature makes so many beautiful colors! We'll listen to canary's and Cardinals and see if we can tell which one is which!  We'll touch the rough glitter of our Red Ruby Slippers and the soft Yellow paper we'll use to make our rays of Sunshine!  Preschool will be working on  handwriting by practicing the words "red," "yellow," and by writing our names! Our Toddlers and infants will be focusing on their sense of sight!  By seeing and experiencing Red and Yellow through their art projects and through sensory stimulation like Play Dough and Finger paint, our little ones will make Red and Yellow memories with their hands! 
    For Mardi Gras (On Wednesday) we'll learn the history behind the celebration and have our own party by making beautiful, colorful Pasta necklaces and wearing them around school for the day!  We'll finish the week with a celebratory Doughnut Party just like they do in New Orleans to celebrate Fat Tuesday and the joys of life (like doughnuts!!)!! 

Miss Jessica

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Living in Color!!

Dear Parents,

This month at Little Dreamers we'll be learning all about Color! Our infants will be exploring color through their senses.... finger paints, sand and ice cube painting will help expose our littlest ones to the colorful world that surrounds them.   Our Toddlers will be learning all of the colors of the rainbow and about the plants, animals and foods that represent each color best.  They'll be experimenting with each color individually and at the end of the month, learning what happens when colors are mixed!  In Preschool we'll be studying all of the colors on many different levels... through our senses, through our emotions and through Science!  We'll be answering questions like where do rainbows come from?  Why is snow white if Water is blue?  And we'll be making lists of how many items we can think of that represent each color!  Our letter this week is "C" for color and we'll be handwriting our names and the words "green" and "blue."

The weather is yucky again this week so stayed alert for delay and closing info.  Remember, Spring is just around the corner!! I don't know about you, but we can't WAIT! :) 

Miss Jessica