Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Living in Color!!

Dear Parents,

This month at Little Dreamers we'll be learning all about Color! Our infants will be exploring color through their senses.... finger paints, sand and ice cube painting will help expose our littlest ones to the colorful world that surrounds them.   Our Toddlers will be learning all of the colors of the rainbow and about the plants, animals and foods that represent each color best.  They'll be experimenting with each color individually and at the end of the month, learning what happens when colors are mixed!  In Preschool we'll be studying all of the colors on many different levels... through our senses, through our emotions and through Science!  We'll be answering questions like where do rainbows come from?  Why is snow white if Water is blue?  And we'll be making lists of how many items we can think of that represent each color!  Our letter this week is "C" for color and we'll be handwriting our names and the words "green" and "blue."

The weather is yucky again this week so stayed alert for delay and closing info.  Remember, Spring is just around the corner!! I don't know about you, but we can't WAIT! :) 

Miss Jessica 

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