Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Going Wild for Wildlife!!!

Dear Parents,

The past two weeks have been WILD at Little Dreamers!  Last week, we learned ALL about Africa! The habitats that exist there and the colorful and strange animals that roam throughout it! We focused on the patterns that we can find there like a zebra's stripes or a leopards spots!  We talked about what 'Endangered Animals are' and how we can help them even from far far away!  We looked at a map and discovered just where Africa was and talked about how long it would take us to get there if we took an airplane!!  We also studied friendship and Martin Luther King Day.  We talked about how important MLK was to us and how he helped to make sure that all of us could be friends and play together.  Our class discussed the differences that exist in the people we see around us and how even though we may look different, we're really all the same! 

This week we're heading to the Land Down Under!  Australia!! We'll learn about Aborigines (native Australians) and their cave drawings, we'll learn how they hunt with Boomerangs and make and decorate our own, we'll learn what 'Marsupials' are and talk about why they're different than any other animal in the world and why they ONLY live Down Under!  We're going to make Kangaroo Pouches, Koala masks and even look at real pictures that Miss Jessica has from her trip to Australia!   On Friday, we're going to celebrate and make a special Australian Dessert called Fairy Bread!! Yum!!

Stay warm out there!

Miss Jessica

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Under the Sea!


This week we're diving deep into our Ocean Unit for a fun-filled adventure into the blue! We've been learning about sand and seashells, about fish and ocean mammals, and have been talking a lot about how much of our Earth is covered in Water! We've been talking about all the great things that the Ocean does for us- from providing us with water to keeping itself clean and beautiful! In the Infant room our little explorers have been touching seashells and using water play to introduce their senses to the sea through touch.  Our Toddlers have been talking about crabs and fish and sharks! They've made crabs that Jenesia says go "snap! snap! snap!" and also made hand-print Octopi that look really great hanging from our ceilings!  Our preschoolers have had a fun filled week of science and discovery.  From how seashells feel and hear to how they help make sand, our dreamers have been working hard to engulf themselves in everything from the seashore! We've made handprint coral reefs, fish prints, seashell paintings and are very excited for our Finding Nemo movie party on Friday! We're going to have popcorn and juice and yummy snacks while we watch our favorite fishy friends travel through the Ocean!  Our letter this week is 'O' and our number is: 8.  We've made lots of Octopus drawings and even practiced writing the word 'octopus' and the number '8' throughout the week! Check back next week for an update on our African Safari Unit!

Stay Warm out There!

Miss Jessica

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wacky World of Animals!

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year!  This month we’ll be learning all about the Animal Kingdom! From Farm animals to the Land Down Under, we’ll cover all of our animal friends and learn how they use their differences to survive in the wild.  We’ll learn about the food chain, we’ll learn about endangered species and we’ll talk about what we can do to protect our animal friends.  We’ll learn about the different habitats and environments and about how people are animals too!
As you’ve noticed, the snow has arrived!  Unfortunately, it’s most likely the first of several snow storms of the season so please be aware of closings and delays. Check 93.5 WSBG if the possibility for cancellation exits.  If you decide to keep your Little Dreamer home in the event of bad weather, please call the center as soon as possible to notify us of the absence so we can staff accordingly.  We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this and ask that you be safe and stay warm throughout the snowy winter season!
Here’s to a wonderful and Happy 2011….  

Miss Jessica