Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome Back, Mister Sun!

Dear Parents,
This month’s Unit is It’s a Small World! Your little one will be learning all about cultures and lifestyles from around the world! From Mexico to China, your child will be emerged in diversity and difference.  On the 5th, we celebrated Cinco de Mayo by making Tacos and enjoying yummy tortilla chips and queso!  Next week will begin our Europe and Asia unit during which the children will be making fans, tasting Asian cuisine and learning all about the differences in our countries and lifestyles.  We’ll read books to highlight Asian traditions and look at European landmarks like the Eiffel Tour, Big Ben, The Spanish Guggenheim Museum and The London Bridge!  This month is also National Reading Month and celebrates Dr. Seuss’ Birthday!  We’ll celebrate by learning all about the author’s great contribution to children’s literature- we’ll read his books, re-create his art and pay homage to his great imagination. 
As we’ve all noticed, Spring has Sprung! And thank goodness…. J  Now that the sun is shining and it’s finally getting warmer, please be sure and bring an appropriate change of clothes for your little one.  In addition, please supply sunscreen, a sun hat or anything that you’d like your child to wear while playing outside.  Also, please make sure that if your child wears sandals to school that they have a pair of socks with them or one kept in their cubbies.  Some of our activities require socks to reduce the spread of germs and we want to insure that all children can participate.
As always, thank you for your support and cooperation!  Enjoy the Sunshine!
Miss Jessica